Which phase of your drawing do you enjoy most?
When everything works well, when you just have to press on the mouse button or
artpad and you have the result you want on the screen. It's in general in the
dithering/colouring process...
Describe in steps how do you create an image. Do you start by making a sketch on
paper, or drawing directly on computer?
Depends on the source of the image, if I decided to copy a photography (yes, sorry, I
do copy :) I make the sketch on the computer, and then start colouring it, adding
some volumes... etc. Most of the people do each step after the other on the whole
picture... I often make a small part first... and go on from this start... why ? I don't
know... I just like seeing the final result at once ;)
Ohterwise, I happen to try to draw some sketch on paper first.
What drawing tools/techniques do you use mostly?
Under GFX2, I often draw with the Transparency FX at 40% always on. This gives
this weird dithering you can find on "Influence" and "Gimme some mo' ".
Otherwise, under photoshop, I'm using an artpad I just bought :) It rules, but
I havent released any 24-bit picture yet. Except the Kolor logo in their intro
Montana at the Dialogos'99 :)
Which of your own images do you consider as the best one at this time?
My favourite picture is "Influence". Because of the was I did it (I made half of
it during my military service :)) I was working on a computer, so I installed
gfx2 ;)) It's the only picture where I really spent a lot of time on it).
The drawing style is different between pics like "Billtrip" and "Woody".
Do you attempt to define your own style or do you not care?
"Billtrip" is a very old picture, it was one of my first one :) "Woody" is quite
different, because I made it for a 16 colour pixel compo. My style is more
present in images like "Influence" or "Gimme some mo' ", or my new unreleased stuff ;)