author's comments:
demantia ...jep, this Logo was for the first Falcon-demo from AVENA...
The LOGO ist 16 Color only, I paint it completly on my old ST...the backround is
digitized on Falcon (yes, itīs myself =)....) than I put it together on an Amiga
(cozī it didnīt exist a usable paintprogram for Falcon this time(think around 94))... my first 32colors picture (think around 92)
flowers5....arg, my first and last Boris V. third Amigapicture...I made
this for the 68X-convention in hamburg ...but lose...
fly7....I belive itīs my second scrolls upīnīdown in an demo... last AMIGApic
jackball...logo for a never released game...16 colors but made on amiga second falconpicture, itīs painted from a selfmade foto...this time
I was serching for a different style (after the "I copy everything from Boris V
." periode...), I only use 32 greyscales to be
vincente2 ...aarg, my first Falconpicture, dragon & people copyed from Vicente Segrell,
rest my was great to make the step from 16/32 colors to 65000 =)...
for example in the old dayīs I only can use a few greyscales for a knight but
now I can use any color I like =)...thats cool for more organic optic....but no
more lame fantasycopys afte